Tips For Staying Sober: Navigating Social Situations While In Recovery

reasons to stay sober

Drinking alcohol can stress or impair these functions, leading to organ damage. The good news is, quitting drinking, even if it’s for only a month, allows your body time to heal. When your liver doesn’t have to process alcohol, it can maximize its effectiveness at processing blood and aiding digestion. Acknowledging and celebrating the hard work of recovery is helpful for keeping you motivated and reminding you why you took this brave step toward sobriety in the first place. Instead, focus on things, experiences, and activities that will support your new, healthy lifestyle.

Incorporating Healthy Habits

  • In addition to being able to recognize them, it’s important to know when to seek help.
  • You can replace substance misuse with exercise and physical activity.
  • We all love a good night’s rest, but drinking alcohol can disrupt sleep.
  • Sobriety can be a fixed-term goal like staying sober for a set period (such as Dry January), or a lifelong goal of staying sober from all substances.

And I don’t want to say I’m proud of my alcoholism or my disease, but I’m proud of where it brought me to. Other medicines, counseling, and psychosocial support can also help to abstain or reduce unhealthy drinking. The important point is that one must be aware of the bad consequences reasons to stay sober of drinking and take steps to stop or reduce excessive drinking. Trouble sleeping is common after you stop drinking, especially early in recovery. But the longer you abstain from alcohol and work on your sleep hygiene, the more improvements in your sleep you’ll see over time.

Reasons to Stay Sober: Get the Benefits!

reasons to stay sober

They can help motivate a person to remain sober to reach the next milestone. Sobriety can be a fixed-term goal like staying sober for a set period (such as Dry January), or a lifelong goal of staying sober from all substances. The best way forward for your recovery from alcohol or substance use is to incorporate a wide variety of strategies that will help foster success.

  • According to a study conducted by Vice, substance addiction can cost you anywhere from $1,500 to $2,250 per month.
  • Staying sober has helped me to be more attentive and loving in my relationships.
  • Think of how much time you used to spend on your addiction each day.
  • You may again seek out the people and situations that support your alcohol use.
  • By Michelle PugleMichelle Pugle, MA is a freelance writer and reporter focusing on mental health and chronic conditions.

How Long Does it Take to Feel the Effects of Not Drinking?

The Essence of Boundaries in Recovery Setting boundaries means defining what’s acceptable and what’s not in terms of behaviors, interactions, and situations for oneself. In the context of recovery, boundaries can be instrumental in ensuring personal well-being, maintaining mental balance, and preserving the integrity of one’s sobriety journey. By engaging in alternative activities, you’re not just avoiding triggers; you’re building a life rich in experiences, memories, and connections that don’t hinge on substance use. Understanding these triggers doesn’t mean you have to avoid social situations entirely, but rather it provides a roadmap. By identifying what might cause cravings, you can actively develop strategies to counteract or avoid them altogether.

reasons to stay sober

Don’t End Up Like _______

High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for various health issues, including heart disease and stroke. When you’re using or drinking, it’s hard to think about anything besides your addiction. Sober living allows you to focus on responsibilities you need to keep your life in order, like going to school, applying for jobs, paying bills, buying groceries, and more. When you’re dealing with addiction, it can be hard to look at yourself and see beyond the substance that’s controlling you. When you stay sober, you allow more of your authentic self to shine through, which can lead to a greater sense of appreciation for who you are and the things you can accomplish.

  • Eventually, a person often recognizes that they are losing control of their sobriety, which only drives them toward substance use.
  • Together, we can navigate the path to a brighter, sober, and more fulfilling tomorrow.
  • Opioid overdoses often involve a loss of consciousness, breathing difficulties, choking, or an inability to respond to stimuli.
  • Give us a call today to verify your insurance coverage or to learn more about paying for addiction treatment.

What is the process to place an individual in one of our residential sites?

  • LSD has been shown to cause hallucinations, paranoia, anxiety, and self-harmful behaviors.
  • Whether it’s finding peace, being a present parent, giving back, or becoming empowered to be the best version of yourself, the reasons to stay sober are endless.
  • The grips of drug and alcohol addiction can deny you from appreciating and seeing your self-worth.
  • This extra money can be used to pay off debts, save for the future, or enjoy life’s pleasures without the financial stress caused by addiction.
  • Sobriety can be a particularly challenging pursuit for someone with an addiction like alcohol use disorder.

Additionally, women who use drugs enter the workforce later than women who don’t. In general, drug use can lead to workplace theft and distraction from the job due to thinking about using or getting drugs. Marijuana users alone experience accidents at work at a 55% higher rate than non-users, as well as 85% more injuries and 75% more absences. The FHE Health team is committed to providing accurate information that adheres to the highest standards of writing. This is part of our ongoing commitment to ensure FHE Health is trusted as a leader in mental health and addiction care. Substance abuse can impair your judgment and decision-making skills, leading to impulsive spending and financial mismanagement.

Sober Isn’t Boring: Reasons to Love Sobriety

reasons to stay sober

Improved Physical Health

Practice Healthy Living

The Most Important Things You Can Do To Help an Alcoholic

As described by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there is not a one-size-fits-all treatment program for addiction. Therefore, it’s important to ask questions to ensure that the program you want meets all of your needs. There are multiple factors to consider, including cost, reviews, licensing, accreditations, amenities, and treatments. The first step to getting sober is recognizing and admitting that you have a problem with drug or alcohol misuse.

Guest Opinion: Tips to stay sober during the holiday season – Brainerd Dispatch

Guest Opinion: Tips to stay sober during the holiday season.

Posted: Sun, 19 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

TSM is an innovative approach to addiction with a 78% success rate.4 It involves naltrexone, a medication that blocks the feel-good endorphins that you’d usually get from drinking alcohol. Over time, this medicine gradually trains your brain to stop associating alcohol with pleasure. This process is known as “pharmacological extinction,” and it’s helped countless people beat their drinking habits. For some people, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) can help with staying sober. Certain medications may help you eliminate cravings and even reduce your desire for alcohol. If this sounds like something you’d like to try, it may be worth asking your doctor about medications like naltrexone, and approaches like the Sinclair Method (TSM).

How to help someone stop drinking

Along with these benefits, 12-Step programs and other forms of mutual-help groups can increase the likelihood of achieving and maintaining recovery from substance misuse. Research from the Department of Veterans Affairs demonstrates that people who participate in 12-Step programs tend to have better outcomes than those who don’t. It is generally the first step in a more comprehensive treatment plan. They can help motivate a person to remain sober to reach the next milestone.

  • Cronin acknowledges it’s hard to trust someone who once had no control over their alcohol consumption — and knowing when and how to step in can be tricky.
  • Recovery involves examining the underlying reasons for the person’s behaviors and shifting to healthier strategies to cope with difficult emotions, Nekou says.
  • If you make excuses for your loved one’s behavior, lend them money for alcohol, or tolerate unacceptable behaviors, you may be enabling their addiction and entering into codependency.

Patrick Cronin, an addiction specialist who has been in recovery from an AUD for 16 years, agrees. Alcohol recovery is a process—one that often involves setbacks. A drinking relapse doesn’t mean you’re a failure or that you’ll never be able to reach your goal. sober alcoholic Each drinking relapse is an opportunity to learn and recommit to sobriety, so you’ll be less likely to relapse in the future. Build a sober social network – If your previous social life revolved around alcohol, you may need to make some new connections.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Make sure your children are eating a healthy diet and getting adequate exercise and sleep. Take the time to learn what they need from a daily schedule at home. Let them know you’ll help them set boundaries and routines you can both stick by to add stability to their new daily life. Everyone had to get used to new routines over the past few years. Your loved one is struggling with this new routine as you are.

how to help an alcoholic stay sober

It’s impossible to know how you’ll react and how your life will change when getting and staying sober. Sobriety can be a particularly challenging pursuit for someone with an addiction like alcohol use disorder. Alcoholism is a term used to describe someone with an alcohol use disorder. Someone with alcoholism has both a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. They may have problems controlling their drinking habits or choose to keep drinking even though it causes problems.

How to Stay Sober Long-Term

You may need a different approach to treatment, or perhaps to return to inpatient treatment. Regardless of what led to a relapse, getting back on track quickly gives you the best chance at long-term recovery, rather than waiting until the problem worsens. It is hard to admit to others that you have experienced a relapse, but it is the best thing to do. It is always better to be honest and work on getting the process of recovery started again as quickly as possible. When supporting a loved one in their recovery from alcohol use disorder, it’s important to seek emotional support for yourself, too. You aren’t to blame for your loved one’s drinking problem and you can’t make them change.

Talk to your therapist, other healthcare provider, or sponsor about how to deal with your anger in ways that won’t cause you to harm yourself or others or turn to alcohol or drugs. You may also experience what is commonly called sobriety fatigue, which refers to the overall exhaustion that may occur as a result of the emotional and physical stress of staying sober. So, it’s extra helpful to have a support network available to you when you need it. The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes the word sobriety as the quality or state of being sober. In 12-step programs, sobriety refers to people who have achieved and maintained a positive level of mental health. Find a support system that you can rely on when things get tough.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms, Detox, Timeline, & Treatment

what is alcohol withdrawal

You should report your drinking history straightforwardly to your doctor so you can be treated safely for withdrawal symptoms. Generally, you may need treatment for alcohol misuse when you can no longer control the amount you drink or how long you drink. You may also know that you need help with alcohol misuse when you begin experiencing consequences directly related to your alcohol misuse—but you still can’t stop or cut back on the amount that you’re drinking. To learn more about when you may need help for alcohol misuse, visit our informational page on helping someone with an alcohol use disorder or take our alcohol misuse self-assessment.

Complications of alcohol withdrawal delirium

  • Rehabilitation is a long-term treatment plan intended to help treat alcohol addiction.
  • Some people can be treated at home, but others may need supervised care in a hospital setting to avoid potentially dangerous complications such as seizures.
  • You may want to speak with a loved one or therapist about a strategy to prevent relapses from happening.
  • As your brain grows accustomed to higher blood alcohol concentration levels, it starts to rely on alcohol to function properly.

Timely assessment and accurate treatment are vital to preventing disease progression. Comprehensive patient care entails acute management and outpatient support in the hospital setting. In the inpatient setting, nurses perform frequent assessments that inform the treatment plan. Alcohol consumption spans a spectrum from low-risk to severe alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcohol withdrawal syndrome poses a significant clinical challenge arising from the spectrum of AUD—a prevalent condition affecting a substantial portion of the United States population.

Gratitude enhances health, brings happiness — and may even lengthen lives

what is alcohol withdrawal

Talk to your doctor if you’re concerned about your drinking habits. They can also help you manage any symptoms of alcohol withdrawal you experience when you stop drinking. If you feel that you sometimes drink too much alcohol, or your drinking is causing problems, or if your family is concerned about your drinking, talk with your health care provider. Other ways to get help include talking with a mental health professional or seeking help from a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous or a similar type of self-help group. Outpatient alcohol detox may be a good fit for people at low risk for severe withdrawal. Withdrawal progress is monitored through frequent check-up appointments within outpatient clinical settings (e.g., doctor’s office), allowing for the level of care to be escalated if needed.

Prevention of further drinking

what is alcohol withdrawal

Sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium are common electrolytes in sports drinks. Ensuring you’re consuming electrolytes helps your body avoid imbalances in these important chemicals while better hydrating itself, which can help you get over alcohol withdrawal symptoms quicker and more comfortably. For most people, alcohol withdrawal symptoms will begin to subside after 72 hours. If you are still experiencing withdrawal symptoms after three days, talk to your healthcare provider. The “front‐loading” or “loading dose” strategy uses high doses of longer‐acting benzodiazepines to quickly achieve initial sedation with a self‐tapering effect over time due to their pharmacokinetic properties.

what is alcohol withdrawal

If you have delirium tremens, confusion is one of the key symptoms you’ll experience. You’ll have trouble understanding what’s happening to or around you. It’s also possible that you’ll experience hallucinations, meaning you’ll see or hear things that seem real to you, but that aren’t really there.

The point is that eventually, your craving will go away — the wave will crash. We do not receive any commission or fee that is dependent upon which treatment provider a caller chooses. Hypertension is common, alcohol withdrawal and some doctors also prescribe beta blockers during withdrawal. Treatment significantly lowers your risks of complications and death. In some people, the initial reaction may feel like an increase in energy.

what is alcohol withdrawal

This is of particular concern when you’re taking certain medications that also depress the brain’s function. Unhealthy alcohol use includes any alcohol use that puts your health or safety at risk or causes other alcohol-related problems. It also includes binge drinking — a pattern of drinking where a male has five or more drinks within two hours or a female has at least four drinks within two hours. The most effective way to prevent alcohol withdrawal syndrome is to avoid drinking or drinking only in moderation. For those trying to detox from alcohol, it is vital to do so under the supervision of a doctor, as the withdrawal symptoms may be severe.

  • Moderately severe AWS causes moderate anxiety, sweating, insomnia, and mild tremor.
  • If you have an alcohol dependency problem and have decided to stop drinking, call your doctor for help.
  • Most alcohol abusers who are having withdrawal symptoms have a shortage of several vitamins and minerals and can benefit from nutritional supplements.

Outlook for alcohol withdrawal syndrome

Medical Professionals

How to stop eating when bored: 16 tips

To prevent boredom eating from becoming habit, try to keep your days from becoming too tedious or repetitive. Activities like talking a few short walks or periodic stretch breaks during the day provide a mental and physical break from usual routines. When you’re feeling bored, taking a walk not only provides a distraction from any urges to snack but also physically removes you from food temptations.

Drinking Was Hard On My Marriage. So Was Recovery.

  • Tuck yourself in earlier than normal and wake up feeling fresh and being fully rested at your own pace.
  • Over time, this pattern of behavior can inculcate a kind of learned helplessness, so that every time a person drinks to relieve boredom, they reinforce this learned helplessness.
  • Get on Google, find a class, and make it happen.
  • Take control of the aspects of your life that you have some influence over and watch the world change around you.

Do you walk around the block and phone a friend? Next time you feel bored, take a few minutes to think about how you’d really like to be spending that time. If you’re not able to take a walk, you might find it helpful to take a few minutes to stretch or do breathing exercises. Break associations you might have between eating and screen time by making a point of eating meals at a table — not in front of the TV — and putting your phone away while you’re dining. Some common triggers to be aware of are stress, food availability, and pictures of food (31, 32, 33, 34).


To unpack some of the underlying reasons you feel bored right now, it helps to understand what alcohol does to your brain. If you’re having trouble making this change alone, Sunlight Recovery offers programs like individual therapy, group therapy and medical detox to help you with drug and alcohol treatment. All treatments are conducted by licensed therapists. If you’re ready for a consultation, contact us now. Boredom is a natural state or emotion that’s part of the spectrum of things we feel as humans, and we all experience boredom in different forms and at different times. If you’re drinking out of boredom, read on to learn more about what this means.

Learn to say NO

‘Water is too boring’?! Can you really survive on nothing but coffee, tea or juice? – The Guardian

‘Water is too boring’?! Can you really survive on nothing but coffee, tea or juice?.

Posted: Mon, 29 May 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

There can be a bit of stigma around boredom, but it can also fuel so much creativity. Fried and overly sugary foods will also artificially spike your dopamine levels and cause your brain to overcorrect, leaving you feeling irritable, depressed, and cranky. These are all things you’re trying to overcome from drinking. Early sobriety is a critical period when community and support networks are critical.

drinking when bored

Why Do People Think Alcohol Relieves Boredom?

Catching signs of abuse early also minimizes the risks of adverse health effects and increases the probability of achieving sobriety much more quickly. Drinking out of boredom can reinforce negative drinking because of boredom feelings and self-medicate. When referring to alcohol addiction, some may conjure up an image of a person consuming multiple daily bottles of low-end vodka and struggling to hold a steady job.

If you like gin and tonic when you’re vegging on the sofa, swap it for fizzy water with lemon. If you know your willpower weakens after 9 pm, get up before then and go and have a warm shower instead. If you want to change something, you first need to understand what it is. This might be a bit uncomfortable, as we often drink to reduce the noise of our own thoughts. But if you can spend time with those thoughts, you will be better prepared to make changes that can positively affect them.

Take up a hobby

drinking when bored