How To Make Smooth Stone In Minecraft Recipe & Command

The furnace will start to smelt the cobblestone into a smooth stone. The transformation process is represented by the burning animation inside the furnace. To operate the furnace and produce smooth stone, we’ll need some fuel. Coal and wood are the best options, as they are easy to obtain.

Give Command in Minecraft Windows 10 Edition

Of course, when you’re done building, there’s a small amount of fun using TNT to blow up all the furnace blocks afterwards. Before we get into the nitty-gritty, it’s essential to understand the various stone types in Minecraft. There’s the regular stone, cobblestone blocks, the stone, and finally, our star of the day – the smooth stone. Hence, we’ll be discussing how you can craft smooth stones, and how you can use them properly. Use smooth sandstone to create elegant pathways and walkways that guide players through your builds. Its subtle texture and contrasting color make it a visually appealing addition to any landscape, adding a touch of refinement to your world.

how to make smooth stone in minecraft

Step 1: Open your inventory

To make the slabs, all you’ll need is to place one smooth stone each horizontally across all three squares within a crafting table. Once crafted, and as shown in the image below, this will yield a total of six slabs. In Smooth Stone Minecraft guide, we will explain the entire process of crafting smooth stone and what items you are required to have how to make smooth stone in minecraft in Minecraft. Before process further, you should know that crafting Smooth Stone in Minecraft need you to have three things Stone, Coal, and a Furnace. Smooth stone is often used in various block forms, such as slabs and stairs.

how to make smooth stone in minecraft

She has experience publishing short and long-form video game guides, game features, and game reviews. She works alongside TNS’s Editorial Team, discussing and executing strategies to better improve the site’s traffic and experience for users. Here’s exactly how you can create Smooth Stone in Minecraft, and everything it can be used for in the game. By doing this, the furnace interface will open and you will be able to use it to smelt items.

  • August has worked in online media for over four years since 2021.
  • A stone pickaxe or better is necessary for successful mining.
  • In the Creative world, you have access to all the items in the game from your inventory itself.
  • If the player uses a weaker tool, like a wooden pickaxe, they will not receive the stone block.

Even if they take time to smelt and craft, they are worth using in various types of builds. To craft a blast furnace, you need one normal furnace, three smooth stones, and five iron ingots. The picture above depicts the crafting recipe and configuration. To make smooth stone, simply smelt down some stone in a furnace. Minecraft has a variety of blocks players can use to create different buildings and structures and Smooth Stone is one of the most popular choices.

Smooth stone requires a pickaxe to be mined, in which case it drops itself. For clarification, here is a list of items needed to craft the Blast Furnace. However, if you don’t want to go the extra mile, we recommend that you craft the Blast Furnace as it is a very handy tool.

Be sure all the blocks should be filled except the middle one to make the Furnace. This is one crafting material you really need to carry in your inventory, and if you’re unsure where to find it, our guide has you covered. In this guide, we shall go over how to make Smooth Stone in Minecraft.

Smooth stone is a variant of stone made by smelting regular stone. Once the stone is cooked/smelted in the furnace, the smooth stone will appear in the box to the right. It can be tricky to collect without falling, so be careful during this process. To make it easier to gather gravel, you can use the silk touch enchantment. Smooth sandstone can also be found naturally in desert biomes. It is often found below the surface, but it can occasionally be found exposed on the surface.